Monday, January 31, 2022

Disneyland v Disney World

                Disneyland v Disney World

   I asked my youngest daughter, Virginia, where would she like to go for a Daddy-Daughter weekend and she replied, “Disneyland!”  We have already been to Disney World a couple of times so she wanted to be able to compare the two parks.  Personally, I didn’t care where we went because all that I wanted was to spend some quality time with my daughter.  It seems excessive to fly to L.A. to go to an amusement park but the trip was painless, as we had a direct flight from LAX to Louisville, and it wasn’t that expensive.  Virginia was happy because she got to pick the park, the rides, and even the restaurants for the whole weekend.  I was happy because I was able to make some new memories with my daughter as we spent a lot of quality time together.

   The biggest difference between the park in L.A. and the one in Florida is how compact and convenient everything is at Disneyland.  For example, we could easily walk from the front gate to our hotel and we had a plethora of restaurants to pick from outside of the park.  This is significant because it cost me ninety five dollars to eat at the Naples Ristorante in Downtown Disney and almost half of that to eat at The Cheesecake Factory, which was virtually right across the street.  A second major difference is that Disneyland consists of only two parks.  A section of the California Adventure Park is dedicated to the Marvel Studios and it was there that we witnessed Spider-Man jump from one building to the next, had our picture taken with Dr. Strange, and saw the Black Panther take on some bad guys in a street fight.  It was great to see all of the characters live.

   Unfortunately, the one thing that Disneyland and Disney World had in common was the long lines.  We spent over two hours waiting to ride “Web-Slingers” for example.  Although that was the longest that we had to wait, there were several other rides with wait times exceeding ninety minutes.  By the end of the second day my hips were really hurting me from standing for so long and now I know that I am only good for two days at Disney.  It would have been better to buy a Fast Pass for fifteen dollars for each ride, a price that I would have gladly paid if I had known that the wait time was going to be so long.  Still, I promised Virginia that we could make the trip again in 2023 if she wanted to give it a whirl.  The only caveat is that it has to be just Virginia and me because I want her full attention if I am going to spend the time and money for a major trip.

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